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Hitachi L-7000 HPLC System with Data Processing Software


Hitachi L-7000 HPLC System with Data Processing Software


Hitachi L-7000 Series HPLC systems have been the workhorse in many laboratories over the years.  They still continue to be used extensively for general HPLC analysis.  This HPLC system is in very good working condition and is available for immediate sale.

  • Standard 60-day warranty

The instrument was retrieved from a working laboratory and is being sold at a fraction of the cost of a new instrument.   The computer data station allows the user to quickly analyze chromatograms and obtain hard copies.  The system comes with a complete with a 60-day warranty.  Don’t miss out on this one.

  • D7000: System Interface
  • L7100: Gradient pump (s/n 1051-032)
  • L7200: Programmable auto-sampler (s/n 1274-073)
  • L7400: UV detector (s/n 1109-044)
  • L7455: Diode array detector (s/n 1109-044)
  • Computer Software: Chromatography Data Station Software v. 4.0
  • Manufacturer: Hitachi

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Hitachi L-7000 HPLC System with Data Processing Software